BINARY MOD - Multieffetto Modulazioni - Controlli: Effect Level + A + B + Depth + Rate + Tasti +/- + Global + Save/Exit + Switch On/Off + Switch Patch/Tap - Connessioni: Input + Exp + USB + Output R + Output L (mono) - Schermo Oled - Conversione A/D/A 24-bit - 110dB S/N ratio - 24 effetti di modulazione di aqualità assoluta - 10 Presets (2 banks x 5 patches) - Software gratuito di gestione patch ed editing per PC e Mac - Dimensioni: 12,1x7,2x 4,7 cm - Peso: 340 g - Alimentazione 9 V DC negativo al centro.
01 | Grand Chorus (GRD CHO) | Based on the legendary green ensemble chorus (chorus mode) |
02 | Sky Chorus (SKY CHO) | Based on the Arion® SCH-1 Stereo Chorus |
03 | Tiny Chorus (TINY CHO) | Based on Electronic-Harmonix® Small Clone |
04 | 3D Chorus (3D CHO) | Producing a multi-dimensional chorus with independent depth control on left, center and right sound channels |
05 | Stereo Chorus (ST CHO) | Producing a magical stereo chorus effect with spread control |
06 | Bass Chorus (BASS CHO) | Based on world's first bass chorus pedal |
07 | Detune (DE TUNE) | Producing a slightly pitch-shifted signal combines with original signal |
08 | Normal Flanger (NORM FLG) | Producing classic flanging effect |
09 | Trem Flanger (TREM FLG) | Producing classic flanging effect combining with tremolo effect |
10 | Bass Flanger (BASS FLG) | Producing flanging effect designed for bass |
11 | 90 Phaser (90 PHS) | Based on MXR® Phase 90 |
12 | Green Phaser (GRN PHS) | Based on legendary 2-knob green phaser with sharp phasing effect |
13 | Pan Phaser (PAN PHS) | Producing a special phaser effect combing smooth tremolo (mono output)/pan (stereo output) variations |
14 | Helicopter Tremolo (HELI TREM) | Based on Demeter® Tremulator® |
15 | Opto Tremolo (OPTO TREM) | Simulates classic pulsing tremolo effect on '60s American amps |
16 | Bias Tremolo (BIAS TREM) | Simulates vintage bias tremolo effect on late '50s British amps |
17 | LUSH ROTO | Based on Shin-Ei® Uni-Vibe® |
18 | MINI ROTO | Based on Voodoo Lab® Micro Vibe |
19 | Grand Vibrato (GRD VIB) | Based on the legendary green ensemble chorus (vibrato mode) |
20 | Blue Vibrato (BLUE VIB) | Based on the legendary blue, BBD-based vibrato pedal |
21 | TRON WAH | Based on Electronic-Harmonix® Q-Tron |
22 | AUTO WAH | Fully controllable band pass filter with variable auto wah effects |
23 | RING MOD | Ring modulator with interesting inharmonic, bell-like frequency spectra |
24 | LO FI | Produces bitcrushing/sample reducing effect |